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Archigas – that's us
Developing solutions for a future worth living
Developing solutions for a future worth living

Creating technological solutions that will enable future generations to live in a healthy environment – this is the declared goal of Archigas GmbH.

The element hydrogen (H2) has the potential to optimally fulfil society’s demand for a climate and environmentally friendly form of energy that meets demand. It is regarded as the energy carrier of the future: H2 is literally ‘the stuff dreams are made of’. With its innovative, unique sensor solutions, Archigas is helping to realise the vision of tapping into hydrogen on a large scale.

In collaboration with RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM), the company founded by physicists Illya Kaufman and Wladimir Barskyi has developed innovative H2 gas analysis systems that are characterised by their particularly fast reaction speed, accuracy, stability, moisture resistance and compact design. The characteristics of this new generation of measurement technology are thus consistently geared towards the specific requirements of the hydrogen industry with its high demands on the analysis of H2 concentration and purity.

Archigas specialises in microsensor technology (MEMS) and gas analysis. The company, based in Rüsselsheim near Frankfurt am Main, develops device solutions, particularly in the areas of thermal conductivity, pressure measurement and flow measurement. The declared aim is to offer customers cost-effective plug-and-play options that reliably fulfil highly complex analysis tasks. The company is supported by the state of Hesse as part of the LOEWE programme (‘Landesoffensive zur Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Exzellenz’) for the development of measuring devices suitable for the exploration of natural hydrogen and helium deposits. Archigas is also carrying out developments as part of a project funded by the HLNUG (Hessian State Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology).

Archigas was on the podium of the ‘Hessen Champions’ in the ‘Innovation’ category in 2023 and received the highly coveted ‘Hermes Startup Award’ from the hands of Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger in the presence of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the Hanover Fair in 2024.

The Archigas team

M.Sc. Illya Kaufman

Managing Director, Chief Developer and Product Designer
As a physicist and microsystems engineer in mechatronics with industrial experience, Illya is completely absorbed in developing solutions. Complex tasks bring him actually pure joy.

M.Sc. Wladimir Barskyi

Managing Director, Management
Wladimir is also a physicist. At Archigas, he makes full use of his management skills in particular. Even in stressful phases, he always has a cheerful smile – our rock in the surf.

Prof. Dr. rer nat. habil Friedemann Völklein

Chief Scientific Advisor and Design Development
Friedemann is an internationally renowned sensor technology ‘pope’ with numerous awards to his name. He worked for many years as a senior scientist at ETH Zurich and as a professor at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM).

Tom Burkard

Product developer
Tom is currently studying for a part-time Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Management. In his private life, he continues to design, as his PV system proves, and switches off while riding his motorbike.

M.Sc. Patrick Römer

Development engineer
Physicist with a passion for microsystems technology - the lab is practically Patrick's second home. By the way, his beard is now a little shorter (but still long).

Jacqueline Hedwig

Head of Office
Office management, sales, trade fair and event organisation: Jacqui has the others' backs and is always in a good mood. She doesn't wear her leather jacket every day.

Thomas Hammann M.A.

Corporate Communications
Thomas is a freelance communications expert with a wealth of journalistic experience. Expertise and passion are in every sentence he speaks about Archigas – a true man of conviction.

Diana Marchenko

Social Media Management
What about social media? Many companies are faced with this question. Diana has the right answers for Archigas – whether on Facebook, Insta or Linkedin.

Michelle Seemann

Temporary team assistant
When things get tight in the office, Michelle is there to help. She supports the team in a wide variety of areas, pleasantly relaxed and highly effective.
Our development
  • Finalisation of the TCD3000 SiA in screw-in form 

  • ‘Hermes Startup Award’ at the Hannover Messe 

  • Entry of SERTO AG 

  • HLNUG funding project 

  • Obtaining ATEX certification

  • Move to new premises in Rüsselsheim

  • Obtaining DIN9001 certification 

  • Finalisation of the TCD3000 transmitter 

  • Podium place at the ‘Hessen Champions’ 

  • Start of series production 

  • Loewe funding project for a first KPM senso

  • Completion of the first TCD3000 prototype 

  • Innovative thermal conductivity sensor developed 

  • Foundation of Archigas GmbH 

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